It has been such a pleasure giving the series of Nuremberg Exhibition guided tour at the Museum Industriekultur. Thank...
The top 5 Travel Photographers in Photoshelter’s “The List”. I’m a fan of Mitchell Kanaskevich‘s work & great to...
My exhibition “Traveling to the Ends of the World” has begun! It will run from March 15 till July...
Check out a podcast I recently did with travel enthusiast Global Gaz. Intro from the site: Michael Runkel has...
Montenegro is a tiny little country perched between Albania in the south and Croatia in the north has a...
A great article with Nikon and bringing my D850 camera to the North Pole. Check out the full article...
Buzkashi, the name of Afghanistan’s national sport, translates literally to “goat pulling” in Persian. Which is exactly that: running furiously with...
A recent feature in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung about my focus on UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and a spectrum...