A great write-up with Nürnberg Nachrichten about my most recent journeys, including with my family through Myanmar and other intrepid parts of Asia. “Ein Schatz an Grenzenlosen Erlebnissen” (A treasure trove of limitless experiences). Unfortunately I have only a scan!
Nürnberg Nachrichten Feature
Buzkashi: Afghanistan’s National Sport
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Travel, 0
Buzkashi, the name of Afghanistan’s national sport, translates literally to “goat pulling” in Persian. Which is exactly that: running furiously with...
Article with Bild
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Media Appearances, 0
German newspaper Bild has done a feature about my travels and book, including traveling to all continents except Antarctica...
Interview with “The Best Travelled”
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Media Appearances, 0
I recently did and interview with The Best Travelled, a website covering extreme travelers. It is based on provinces, landmarks, and UNESCO...
Travel in the Time of Corona: Article with Süddeutsche Zeitung
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Media Appearances, 0
Recently I was interviewed with Süddeutsche Zeitung about being caught in the middle of a world trip during the...
Podcast with Counting Countries
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Media Appearances, 0
Hi Everyone, For my English-speaking friends, here is an interview I did with Counting Countries, a podcast series interviewing...
Radio Interview with Kulturleben
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Media Appearances, 0
Check out this radio interview with Kulturleben about my exhibition at Museum Industriekulter. The exhibition runs through July 1st!...
Libya in the Time of Ghaddafi
Michael Runkel, , Blog, Travel, Africa, Afrika, Camel, desert, festival, Ghaddafi, Ghaddames, Ghat, Lakes, Leptis Magna, Libya, Libyen, Roman, ruins, Sabratha, Sahara, Tuareg, Ubari, 0
My visit to Libya happened during the time when Ghaddafi was still in power, most definitely a trip to...