I did an interview with Bayern Plus about my photography, new book & reaching 193 countries. Check it out here.

Screenshot of Bayern Plus Michael Runkel Podcast interview
I did an interview with Bayern Plus about my photography, new book & reaching 193 countries. Check it out here.
Screenshot of Bayern Plus Michael Runkel Podcast interview
Hi Everyone, For my English-speaking friends, here is an interview I did with Counting Countries, a podcast series interviewing...
Buzkashi, the name of Afghanistan’s national sport, translates literally to “goat pulling” in Persian. Which is exactly that: running furiously with...
It took me 13 passports & over 1000 provinces to visit all of the 193 U.N. countries in the...
I recently did a podcast with German travel site Work and Travel 2.0. Check it out below: Ich habe...
I am featured in this August’s Playboy Magazine Germany. Make sure to pick up a copy, and check out...
I was invited in the TV show Wir in Bayern yesterday talking about my book and my travels. They...
I recently did and interview with The Best Travelled, a website covering extreme travelers. It is based on provinces, landmarks, and UNESCO...
In August I begin a Round the World trip for 13 months. It's actually more a 1 1/2 round the world trip....