+ Libya in the Time of Ghaddafi Michael Runkel, 20. November 20127. August 2020, Blog, Travel, Africa, Afrika, Camel, desert, festival, Ghaddafi, Ghaddames, Ghat, Lakes, Leptis Magna, Libya, Libyen, Roman, ruins, Sabratha, Sahara, Tuareg, Ubari, 0 My visit to Libya happened during the time when Ghaddafi was still in power, most definitely a trip to...
+ Sudan Michael Runkel, 11. November 20127. August 2020, Blog, Travel, Africa, Africans, desert, Khartoum, Meroe, Nile, Ondurman, Pyramids, river, Sudan, 0 The largest country in Africa, Sudan has not been of the tourist agenda for many years. This is really...